Sunday, January 8, 2012

Where can I find a dentist who will help me?

I have poor genetics and inherited a problem from my mother that caused basically every tooth in my mouth to rot out. I need 30K worth of dental work done, but I"ve already maxed out my 1000 max on my worthless dental insurance. I have no kids, and make barely above poverty the heck am I supposed to fix my teeth? I cant afford dentures, obviously, so what do dentists expect people to do? They keep telling me that if I let it go too long that I could get sepsis from the teeth abcessing and I could die. Well if it was so serious, then how about taking low monthly payments or lower prices? Why dont dentist see the paradox???? I live in North Carolina and I'm suffering. I'm only 33...good health otherwise...why is there no help out there for me?

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